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Your Body in Balance by Neal Barnard, MD

Learn the science behind food, hormones, and health in Your Body in Balance!

Nutrition researcher and New York Times bestselling author Neal Barnard, MD, demonstrates how foods affect our hormones—and our health—in his new book, Your Body in Balance. Dr. Barnard shares the science behind how common hormone-related conditions—like infertility, weight gain, menopausal symptoms, breast and prostate cancers, thyroid problems, and acne—can be affected by and improved by simple diet changes. Your Body in Balance is available now wherever books are sold!


In Your Body in Balance, Dr. Barnard describes how food and hormones play a powerful role in:

  • Fertility and menopause: Learn how foods affect the hormones that play a role in fertility, premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, menstrual cramps, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Learn how a plant-based diet can help manage menopause and reduce symptoms, including hot flashes.
  • Sex-hormone related cancers: Read the science behind how foods affect estrogen and testosterone levels and the roles they play in breast, prostate, and other forms of cancer.
  • Balancing the thyroid: Read about the surprising effects of diet on hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Learn about how a healthy, plant-based diet can restore insulin function and help manage type 2 diabetes.
  • Regulating metabolism: Learn how a plant-based diet can boost metabolic rate and affect how body fat is stored and burned.

The book also gives readers practical tips and resources, including answers to frequently asked questions and 65 hormone-balancing recipes developed by Lindsay Nixon.

Book Trailer

Learn more about Your Body in Balance and hear powerful success stories!

About the Author:

Neal Barnard

Neal Barnard, MD, is president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, founder of the Barnard Medical Center, an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. His federally funded diabetes research revolutionized the nutritional approaches to type 2 diabetes, and he now aims to empower readers with life-changing information on hormones and health. He has written more than 19 books on nutrition and health. Follow Dr. Barnard on Twitter @DrNealBarnard and Facebook @NealBarnardMD.

Try a Hormone-Balancing Recipe:

Your Body in Balance features more than 65 hormone-balancing recipes created by Lindsay Nixon. Try one today: