Early-Career Researchers Advancing 21st Century Science
Supporting the next generation of life sciences researchers using human-based, nonanimal methods.
The Physicians Committee’s Early-Career Researchers Advancing 21st Century Science (ERA21) program is designed to educate and support the next generation of scientists committed to advancing science ethically using nonanimal methods for research and testing. ERA21 works with students and emerging scientists and connects them to the benefits of human-relevant research through education, training, funding opportunities, and networking.
Training and education play a key role in developing a workforce committed to ethical and effective science. As the largest and most diverse cohort of scientists, early-career researchers play an important part in improving the scientific ecosystem and are vital stakeholders leading efforts to catalyze change in research culture and practice.
ERA21 Newsletter
You can read back issues in our ERA21 Newsletter archive.
Get involved with human-based research at your institution. Below is a non-exhaustive list of academic laboratories working on human-relevant research.
Summer Immersion on Innovative Approaches in Science
The Summer Immersion is designed to educate the next generation of life sciences researchers on human-based nonanimal methods. This free program is offered every other year and provides an overview of in vitro, in silico, and in chemico approaches and their many applications in basic, translational, and regulatory science to replace animals. Attendees participate in scientific talks, career development workshops, poster presentations, technology demonstrations, case studies, networking opportunities, and more. Stay tuned for updates on the 2026 Summer Immersion.
Stay Connected!
- Join the ERA21 LinkedIn group for updates on 21st century science and to connect with fellow scientists.
- For inquiries or to add to our list of resources please contact, Janine McCarthy at jmccarthy [at] pcrm.org.