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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Aug 4, 2020

Can Vegans Get COVID-19? He Did.

Can Vegans Get COVID-19? He Did.

Is it possible for someone who eats a healthy vegan diet to become infected with the coronavirus?

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As much as you may wish to say no, the fact is that no diet can offer immunity to COVID-19. However, leading a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy diet could still be helpful when it comes to COVID-19 outcomes. 

On this episode of The Exam Room™ podcast, Eric O’Grey joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to share his experience with COVID-19. At one point, Eric weighed 340 pounds and was on 15 different medications. Doctors even told him that he would die if he didn’t change his ways. He began eating a vegan diet, and with the help of a loving dog, Peety, who he adopted from a local shelter, began to lose weight and reclaim his health. He says that going vegan saved his life once. Now, after getting COVID-19, he thinks it may have saved it for a second time.

Eric also speaks about mother-in-law who didn’t begin eating a plant-based diet until she was 96 and in poor health. Within weeks of making the change, doctors took Josephine off all her medications, and she began walking 2 to 3 miles every day! She is proof that it is never too late to get healthy!

Also on the show, Neal Barnard, MD, and Jim Loomis, MD, answer your questions!

  • Is it healthy to eat oatmeal for breakfast every day?
  • Will pureeing beans reduce the amount of fiber they have?
  • Is it better to eat nuts raw or roasted?
  • Tips for someone with osteoporosis who is going vegan?
  • Many more

Dr. Barnard will be speaking at the International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine. Exam Room listeners can use the promo code exam20 to save 20% on registration! 

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