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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Oct 7, 2014

Animal Protein Exposure During Gestation May Lead to Overweight Adulthood

Children whose mothers ate the most animal protein during pregnancy were more likely to become overweight in adulthood, compared with children whose mothers ate the least, according to a new study in this month’s American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers followed the offspring of 684 pregnant participants for an average of 20 years and found that the females were more than three times as likely to be overweight and the males more than twice as likely to be overweight when the mothers ate the most animal protein during pregnancy.


  1. Maslova E, Rytter D, Bech BH, et al. Maternal protein intake during pregnancy and offspring overweight 20 y later. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014;100:1139-1148.

More on Nutrition During Pregnancy

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