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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Sep 9, 2019

Game Changing Science: The Truth About Vegan Athletes

Game Changing Science

“Someone asked me how could you get as strong as an ox without eating meat? My answer was, ‘have you ever seen an ox eating meat?’” –Patrik Baboumian, record-setting strongman, in The Game Changers.

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That is the epiphany of a strongman competitor who lifts the equivalent of two and a half full-grown panda bears. Baboumian is truly one of the strongest men in the world, and he is fueled exclusively by a vegan diet.

On this episode of The Exam Room™ podcast, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll goes one-on-one with Barnard Medical Center medical director Jim Loomis, MD, who is featured in The Game Changers documentary. For years he was tasked with keeping athletes healthy as a team physician for both the St. Louis Cardinals baseball franchise as well as the Rams NFL franchise.

Dr. Loomis reveals the mind-boggling list of foods the average player will eat on game day and how improving their diets could benefit their performances on the field.

He also details how he overcame a series of health issues after switching to a plant-based diet himself. The change was so dramatic that he was able to complete an Ironman triathlon shortly after his 60th birthday!

We also hear from a young man who is trying a plant-based diet for the first time. He is fairly athletic, loves to play sports recreationally, and is looking for a little bit of an edge. So what will he discover? Find out with us as we track his “vegan curious” journey.

Food Power for Athletes

Food Power for Athletes Book

Download our free e-book to learn how plant-based foods can fuel athletic performance and to get started with plant-powered recipes!

More on Nutrition for Athletes

Join us Wednesdays at noon ET for a live Q/A with Dr. Neal Barnard!