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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Dec 2, 2021

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally| Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally| Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Did you know that people with high blood pressure can often experience dramatic improvement by eating certain foods?

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Gregory J. Reiter Fund

This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by The Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund, which supports organizations like the Physicians Committee that carry on Greg’s passion and love for animals through rescue efforts, veganism, and wildlife conservation.

Dr. Neal Barnard reveals the best foods to lower high blood pressure when he joins "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room LIVE. Plus, they discuss the foods to avoid when treating hypertension, whether high blood pressure can be genetically driven, how big of a role table salt plays, and whether foods marketed as healthy can still contribute to elevated blood pressure.

Dr. Barnard also discusses the Omicron variant of the coronavirus and how it may be possible that a plant-based diet could reduce the risk of becoming severely infected.

Chuck has details on a study about a special juice that is being shown to reduce inflammation.

More on Exam Room Podcast

Join us Wednesdays at noon ET for a live Q/A with Dr. Neal Barnard!