A Single High-Fat Meal Increases Risk for Heart Disease

High-fat meals trigger bodily responses that may lead to heart disease, according to a study published in Laboratory Investigation. Researchers compared blood labs and blood cells in ten healthy men before and after each consumed one high-fat milkshake. The milkshake significantly increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fatty acid levels four hours after consumption. Researchers also observed changes in red blood cell structure and increased RBC-bound myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme associated with oxidative stress and arterial plaque destabilization. These findings are similar to those from other studies over the years.
- Benson TW, Weintraub NL, Kim HW, et al. A single high-fat meal provokes pathological erythrocyte remodeling and increases myeloperoxidase levels: implications for acute coronary syndrome. Lab Invest. Published online March 23, 2018.