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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Mar 17, 2021

Red Meat and Egg Yolk Consumption Increases Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

A new editorial published in the Journal of the American Heart Association explains why red meat and egg yolk consumption increases risk of cardiovascular disease. The authors attribute common misconceptions that egg and meat intake is harmless to issues with past research, confusion in national dietary guidelines, and negative influences from the food industry. Egg and meat intake not only raises cholesterol levels but results in other harmful health outcomes such as increased inflammation and risk for heart disease. Egg yolks and red meat also contain metabolites linked to diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, and death from heart disease. The authors recommend plant-based diets over diets that include meat or eggs to reduce disease risk and environmental impact.


Spence JD, Srichaikul KK, Jenkins DJA. Cardiovascular harm from egg yolk and meat: more than just cholesterol and saturated fat. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021:e017066. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017066

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