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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Mar 13, 2018

Plant-Based Diet Improves Hyperlipidemia

A plant-based diet improves hyperlipidemia induced by medication use, according to a case study published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Some medications used to treat skin disorders have the adverse side effect of raising cholesterol levels. Researchers followed a patient taking an oral retinoid and prescribed a plant-based diet to manage the side effect of elevated cholesterol. The patient’s serum lipid levels decreased and his exercise capacity improved after adopting the plant-based diet. The authors recommend dietary interventions focus on a plant-based diet in order to alleviate symptoms of medications and increase the potential for other health benefits.


  1. Lin JC, Massera D, Ghalib M, et al. Hyperlipidemia secondary to acitretin therapy for lamellar ichthyosis associated with a NIPAL4 mutation improves on a plant-based diet and relapses on a standard Western diet. Clin Nutr ESPEN. Published online February 15, 2018.

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