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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Nov 4, 2021

Foods That Help Hormones | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Foods That Help Hormones | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Relief from unwanted hormone symptoms such as hot flashes could be as close as your next meal.

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Gregory J. Reiter Fund

This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by The Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund, which supports organizations like the Physicians Committee that carry on Greg’s passion and love for animals through rescue efforts, veganism, and wildlife conservation.

Dr. Neal Barnard reveals the best foods for helping your hormones when he joins "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room™ Live.

He’ll also be answering listener questions sent to The Doctor's Mailbag:

  • Can a healthy diet improve fertility?
  • How does fat affect hormones?
  • Can a vegan diet help psoriasis?
  • What should a vegan’s cholesterol level be?
  • And many more

Plus, Dr. Barnard will be discussing helpful information about hormones from his book Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health.

Chuck also reports on research showing that nuts may lower the risk of recurrence among breast cancer survivors.

More on Women's Health

Join us Wednesdays at noon ET for a live Q/A with Dr. Neal Barnard!