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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Feb 16, 2023

Eggs Exposed: Serious Health Concerns Ignored | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Eggs Exposed: Serious Health Concerns Ignored | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Are eggs healthy? Do eggs raise cholesterol?

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Gregory J. Reiter Fund

This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by The Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund, which supports organizations like the Physicians Committee that carry on Greg’s passion and love for animals through rescue efforts, veganism, and wildlife conservation.

The truth about one of the most popular foods in the world is coming to light and will put an end to one of the great nutrition debates of recent memory. The answers are more important than ever as the average American eats nearly 300 eggs every year.

Find out what eggs mean for your cholesterol, your heart, and your health as Dr. Neal Barnard joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room LIVE.

Topics Discussed

  • Is the cholesterol in eggs dangerous?
  • Is there more cholesterol in eggs than meat?
  • Are egg whites healthy?
  • Can eggs used in baking still raise cholesterol?
  • Is saturated fat or cholesterol a bigger health concern?
  • How much influence do egg producers have on research?
  • Can just a few eggs a week still be unhealthy?
  • And more!

Chuck and Dr. Barnard will be recording a special episode of The Exam Room LIVE in Los Angeles on March 30. Tickets can be purchased online.

More on Exam Room Podcast

Join us Wednesdays at noon ET for a live Q/A with Dr. Neal Barnard!