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  2. Dec 2, 2013

Jay Z Pledges to Go Vegan

Jay Z's pledge to adopt a vegan diet is trending worldwide. And if it seems like everyone is adopting a vegan diet, it’s because they are.  More people are finding it surprisingly easy to follow a plant-based diet. Former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Al Gore, and actress Michelle Pfeiffer continue to ditch meat in favor of nutrient-packed, plant-based foods. Hollywood’s A-list, including actresses Anne Hathaway and Natalie Portman, country singer Carrie Underwood, and tennis champ Serena Williams all tout the health benefits of a vegan diet.

The science is simple: The more plant-based meals we eat, the healthier we’ll be in the long run. The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics finds people who follow vegetarian diets have a lower body mass index, lower risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of overall cancer. From a nutritional standpoint, plant-based meals outweigh their meat-heavy counterparts.  A black bean burger has similar protein as a hamburger, but the black bean burger has half the fat and calories, contains zero cholesterol, and packs four times as much fiber.

As plant-based diets continue to surge in popularity, it won’t be long before we see a decline in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease – and that is something Hollywood, scientists, politicians, and hip-hop stars can all advocate for.

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