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  2. Nov 1, 2013

“Free Birds” Are All for Going Bird-Free

The movie Free Birds is running wild in theaters all across the country today. The storyline follows Reggie, a turkey trying to save his loved ones by traveling through time to keep turkey off the Thanksgiving table. And that is a good idea, because a poultry-free Thanksgiving can save more than just Reggie, Jake, and Jenny—taking turkey off the menu will also prevent your loved ones from high cholesterol and heart disease this holiday season.

Turkey is not a healthful food, even before being slathered in butter and lumpy gravy. When your sibling and cousin each grab a drumstick—sans basting or gravy—they’re getting more than 55 percent of their daily maximum cholesterol intake. Thanksgiving is a time when people frequently overindulge, and two drumsticks puts you well into the cholesterol danger zone.

Turkey also contains at least one secret ingredient Grandma didn’t plan on: feces. Nine out of 10 ground turkey products are contaminated with fecal bacteria and E. coli. In addition, 81 percent of turkey meat contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Turkeys are routinely fed arsenic, despite attempts to ban the arsenic-laced feed in favor of consumer safety. With plenty of meatless holiday recipe plans available, make yours a bird-free Thanksgiving.

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