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Nora Hanke, MD, ChB

Food for Life Instructor

Nora Hanke, MD, ChB

Nora Hanke adopted a vegetarian diet in childhood and gradually transitioned completely away from animal products as an adult. She studied medicine in New Zealand and practiced pediatric medicine in three New England states. After acquiring Dr. Colin Campbell’s Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition through eCornell, in 2013 Nora became licensed to teach Food for Life classes. For the next two years, she was gratified at the transformations – often unanticipated by the attendees - achieved by members of the Western Massachusetts community who she helped onto the path to wholly plant-based or more plant—inclusive diets. A few examples of pleased class members include: a young mother tearfully reporting that she had regained her energy and could now play outside with her children (including one whose chronic stomach aches - from constipation - had completely resolved); the middle-aged woman thrilled with effortless weight loss on her new, tasty, nutrient-rich but low-calorie density diet; the retiree with type 2 diabetes who needed to dial down the insulin as it became unnecessary; a woman in her 80s reporting improved skin (who knew?).

Nora has a passion for low fat, least-processed, 100% plant-based diets for reasons of planetary wellbeing, combatting species loss, and animal welfare / anti-cruelty, as well as human health reasons. Her devotion to conservation caused her to leave the practice of medicine in 2016 to study for a new career in that field, with her academic commitments and circumstances around wildlife fieldwork resulting in a hiatus from teaching.

In 2020, disruptions caused by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic allow Nora to jump back into teaching Food for Life classes. As part of the Covid-19 response effort, she looks forward to engaging with curious and excited learners to help them optimize their health and the health of their families to best resist the worst outcomes of this infection.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Southern New Hampshire including Hollis, Nashua, Amherst, Milford, and Pepperell. Welcoming participants from a wider area for on-line classes.

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Nora Hanke