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Jim Spellos

Food for Life Instructor

Jim Spellos

James Spellos is the President of Meeting U. whose mission is to help people become more productive and comfortable with technology.   His other true mission is helping others to optimize their own health through the understanding of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle.

Overweight and obese for much of his life, Jim suffered an ischemic stroke in December 2016.  This event, along with a diagnosis of near total blockage of his widow maker artery a year later, gave him greater clarity about being all in for a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. 

He supports Plant Powered Metro New York as their network technology advisor. He earned a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies and is a licensed Food for Life instructor.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of New York Metropolitan area, including NJ and CT

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Jim Spellos