Elaine Jumes
Food for Life Instructor

Concerned with the alarming rise in diet-related health issues in Sheboygan County, Ms. Jumes promotes healthy eating by offering nutrition education and cooking demonstrations to her community. As a licensed Food for Life Instructor from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), she is constantly rewarded by her clients’ results, seeing first-hand how they reduce their diet-related chronic diseases through diet and lifestyle changes.
As the owner and creator of Farsighted Foodie LLC. Elaine has been plant-based for over 20 years and knows, first-hand, how the food we eat today will affect our physical, mental, and emotional future.
In addition to being a Food for Life Instructor with PCRM, this “Farsighted Foodie” is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with a Plant-Based Nutrition Certification from the Center for Nutrition Studies (CNS) at eCornell. She also holds eCornell certifications in Wellness Counseling and Food & Sustainability.
Visit www.FarsightedFoodie.com for more information.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Southeastern and Central Wisconsin.