Chenese White
Food for Life Instructor

Chenese is a native of Muskogee, Oklahoma, but she currently resides in Wichita, Kansas. She is a mother of two beautiful daughters, and she works in the information technology industry. She also serves as the Praise and Worship Leader at Restoration Ministries Church.
Chenese's health journey began when she was diagnosed with various health issues, including severe migraines, type 2 diabetes, and thyroid issues. She found that moving to a whole food plant-based way of eating improved her quality of living. She believes that food is medicine and teaches vegan nutrition and health and wellness as a lifestyle coach. As a Food For Life instructor, she hopes to lead, motivate and inspire others to use food as medicine in their lives and pass it on to their friends and family.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Serving cities and surrounding areas of Wichita, Kansas