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Carol Wroblewski, Ph.D., H.S.P.P.

Food for Life Instructor

Carol Wroblewski, Ph.D., H.S.P.P.

Carol is a licensed psychologist who has become involved in health and wellness through a whole-food, plant-based approach to nutrition. In 2010, Carol adopted a plant- based diet to maintain an 80 pound weight loss and also as a means of improving health. Based on her interest in this topic, she earned a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation, delivered by eCornell. Other professional development includes continuing education trainings, professional conferences, and books on plant-based nutrition as it impacts health. Additionally, she is completing her certification training to be a Level 1 Diabetes Educator. Carol provides coaching and support in adopting a path to health, offers presentations on food addiction and plant-based health, in addition to offering cooking classes and selling prepared plant-based meals.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Indianapolis (3 hour radius)

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Carol Wroblewski