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Food for Fitness

34.1785255, -118.597305


Woodland Hills, CA 91367
United States

Class Dates

Food for Fitness
Saturday, December 9, 2023 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

For centuries, athletes have been following plant-based diets to achieve a competitive advantage. Recently, plant-based diets are gaining popularity in a variety of sports. Perhaps that’s because vegan athletes are leading in endurance sports, weightlifting, and even Formula One racing. However, you don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from a plant-based diet. A low-fat vegan diet comprising whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables provides the ideal fuel for any physical activity. It also demonstrates qualities for enhanced recovery over high-fat and animal-based diets. The Food for Life: Food for Fitness class aims to empower attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to prepare simple, nutritious meals that fuel optimal fitness and recovery.

This two-hour class features a video, a discussion, the opportunity to watch a cooking demonstration. Attendees are welcomed to cook along!


Each attendee will receive the recipes before class, including brochures and literature.


This class is great for those beginning their journey towards a whole-foods plant based lifestyle or for those who need additional support and/or recipe ideas! 

323-867-6309 /

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Your instructor: Jennifer Baez, MPH

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