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Your Body in Balance

44.9325287, -93.0075642

Rooted Green Wellness
Online Class
Saint Paul, MN 55119
United States

Class Dates

Foods and Mood
Monday, September 14, 2020 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Evidence suggests that foods can help conquer moodiness and more serious mood problems such as anxiety and depression. Studies show a dramatic improvement in depression and hostility scores, along with physical benefits, with a plant-based diet. This may happen because inflammatory foods such as dairy, meat, and eggs may trigger chemical changes in the brain. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory. Another potential mechanism is the high-fiber content of a plant-based diet. Fiber fosters healthy gut bacteria, which release short-chain fatty acids that appear to have favorable effects in the brain. In addition to eating a plant-based diet, it is helpful to exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. Join us to learn more!

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Your instructor: Jill Erickson

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