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Judith Fasone, RN

Judith Fasone, RN

Judy Fasone, is an Advanced Holistic RN, and Certified Nurse Coach. Her journey of holistic, community and psychiatric nursing care leading her to study the Trager® Approach, a psychophysical approach to wellness. Certified since 1989, she uses the Trager® approach to promote healing and wholeness by reaching the unconscious mind through touch, movement, self-awareness and self-care.

She works with a variety of clients to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, post-surgical compensation patterns, and recovery from recent or past injuries. Her clients report to regaining full range of movement with freedom, flexibility and a feeling of joy and youthfulness in their bodies.

Certified as an Integrative Nurse Coach in 2012, her private practice also includes facilitating the change of behavioral patterns related to nutrition and general health. She has completed a Functional Nutrition course for nurse coaches, and helps clients dissolve chronic illness patterns and rewiring the brain.


AlternativesPlus Nursing Services
1330 C Lake Shore Dr
Columbus, OH 43204




Offers telehealth visits in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.

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