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Daniela Densley, MD

Daniela Densley, MD

Dr. Densley graduated from the Universidad Catolica Santa Maria, Peru in 2008. She completed an internship at Henry Ford Hospital in Michigan in 2007. She later completed certifications in aesthetic practitioner and has been a Gerson therapy practitioner since 2013. She completed her diploma in naturopathic nutrition from the College of Naturopathic and Alternative Medicine in London, UK, in 2017 and has experience and training in functional medicine.

She is certified in medically supervised water-only fasting by the International Association of Hygienic Physicians. She served as a clinical researcher in Taste Adaptation Study at TrueNorth Health Center in California and completed rotations at the Barnard Medical Center in 2019. She is a basic life support trainer in the UK since 2019.


Osteopathic Health Clinic
233 New Church Road
Brighton BN3 5FG
United Kingdom

Calle Ronda Recoleta 321 - Yanahuara
Yanahuara Arequipa 04013



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