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Peggy Hughes

Food for Life Instructor

Peggy  Hughes

Peggy Hughes and her husband Jesse were met with an avalanche of lifestyle diseases with Jesse in 2019.  This included asthma, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, kidney disease, and the need for a quadruple bypass surgery.  Following the Standard American Diet had caught up with them. The plaque in Jesse's arteries was evidence of that.  Little did they know that their poor diet had affected him in regard to these other diseases as well.  Nevertheless, this propelled Peggy into a hunt for the best diet to improve Jesse's health. She came across a whole food plant based diet again and again while learning from physicians and others who had experienced the life-changing effects of a plant based diet!  Armed with this newfound knowledge, they were too afraid to launch into the new lifestyle gradually; they went in all at once and have never looked back.  

All of Jesse’s illnesses are reversed or much improved. Peggy has seen changes she never expected: lower cholesterol, lower inflammation, and minimal plaque at dental cleanings.  Who knew that meat and dairy account for poor dental health, too?  

While they have evidence of the diseases that the plant based lifestyle has helped, they also know that there may be many diseases they never encounter in this lifetime due to a healthy diet and lifestyle!  Peggy is anxious to share this good news with others who desire to live a healthier life through eating a whole food plant based diet. So, if you're curious, interested, or just plain desperate, please reach out.  You'll be so thankful you did!

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Columbia, Mt. Pleasant, Spring Hill, Lewisburg, Lawrenceburg, and Franklin

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Peggy Hughes