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Foods for a Healthy Heart

30.2962208, -97.8299383


Austin , TX 78746
Estados Unidos

Class Dates

Getting in Gear
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 5:00 PM CST to 6:00 PM CST

Foods for a Healthy Heart
Saturday, May 18, 2024 05:00 PM CST to 6:00 PM CST

Foods for a Healthy Heart

Research shows that a WFPB diet doesn’t just prevent heart disease, but it can help manage it and sometimes reverse it. Dr. Ornish’s landmark study tested the effects of a WFPB diet on participants with moderate to severe heart disease. There were no surgeries or stents - just simple diet and lifestyle changes. Within weeks, 90% of chest pain diminished. After one month, blood flow to the heart improved. After a year, blocked arteries reopened. This class will review Ornish's study and other success stories (Esselstyn) and teach you a few fun "heart healthy" dishes.

Recipes: Irresistible White Bean Dip & Sesame Quinoa Salad

Please email with any questions about the class.

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Your instructor: Colleen Ogilvie

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