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NAM Use for Regulatory Application

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New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) is a continuing education program designed to provide professionals in the field of toxicology with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal new approach methodologies. NURA offers trainings, seminars, and other events to encourage the use of nonanimal approaches within various regulatory frameworks. In 2018, NURA kicked off its inaugural event with a training geared toward nonanimal NAM use under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). TSCA includes historic provisions to replace and reduce the use of animals in chemical testing. Our goal is to unite industry, government, academia, and other interested stakeholders to promote regulatory NAM development and implementation via training and focused events. Once checked against the requirements of various domestic and international certifying and licensing boards, attendance or participation at NURA events can be applied toward continuing education credits.

DyNAMic Discussions Series

Dynamic Discussions


Regulatory Toxicology has reached a tipping point – animal tests are increasingly outmoded by New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that offer the potential to improve human health and environmental protection.  So why is the transition out of animal testing and into a NAM-based approach to Chemical Safety Assessment predicted to take so long by so many commentators? And what can we collectively do to accelerate this transition? 

This seminar series explores these questions by inviting speakers to share candid perspectives on how they’ve overcome barriers to apply NAMs in their fields and discuss how we can learn from these examples to increase NAM use together. In our first session of season three, our speakers discussed using Next Generation Risk Assessment for addressing systemic toxicity, followed by a DyNAMic Discussion with regulatory experts. You can watch the webinar recording by following the link below.  And be sure to stay tuned for updates on the next DyNAMic Discussions webinar!

Recordings and other materials for Season 1 and Season 2 are also available on the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal.

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AI Use for Regulatory Application: Using machine learning to reduce animal use in toxicology


Explore the future of ethical, effective regulatory science with our virtual training on advancing toxicology through artificial intelligence and machine learning. Large language models have captivated our attention, shifted perspectives, and brought the unattainable within reach.

In this webinar, you will hear directly from experts on how they use machine learning to reveal molecular mechanisms, simulate testing, estimate toxicity values, and harness available information. Bring your questions and concerns about how artificial intelligence is transforming your own life and work to discuss with our panel. As technology races ahead, the possibilities seem limitless, and our training aims to keep you at the forefront. (The above text was written with Chat GPT assistance).


  • Joseph Manuppello, MS, PCRM
  • Thomas Hartung, MD, PhD, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Tong Weida, PhD, NCTR/US FDA
  • Joseph Bundy, PhD, CCTE/US EPA
  • David Reif, PhD, NIEHS

Find the webinar recordings and other training materials at

Contact Us

Tell us what training you are interested in or NURA [at] (contact us via email).


Previous NURA Trainings

Click on past event names below to access resources and recorded lectures describing the latest approaches in toxicology, including in vitro and in silico methods for skin and eye irritation, skin sensitization, and other topics.

Advancing Non-Animal Pyrogens and Endotoxins Testing
April-May 2023
Virtual webinar series

Tomorrow’s Data, Today: Sunsetting the 2-year Carcinogenicity Assay
February-March 2023
Virtual webinar series

Human In, Human Out: Using Primary and Population Data for PBPK Analyses
November 2022
Virtual webinar series

NAMs to Address Population Variability and Susceptibility
July – October 2022
Virtual webinar series

ICE, ICE, Data: Using NICEATM’s Integrated Chemical Environment to support chemical evaluations
April 18-19, 2022
Virtual event

New Approach Methodologies for the Biological Safety Assessment of Medical Devices
December 2-3, 2021
Virtual event

Nix the Six: Strategies for Implementing a Non-animal Acute Six-Pack
September 9 – October 7, 2021
Virtual event

Practical Applications of NAMs in Chemical Safety Assessment: Applying US EPA Tools and Approaches in Practice
October 23, 2020
Virtual event 

Applied Principles of New Approach Methodologies from Consumer Product Sectors 
October 26 and 30, 2020
Virtual event

Integrating Modern Science Approaches
Dec. 11-12, 2019
Houston, TX

Tools for Computational Toxicology
Sept. 26, 2019
Gaithersburg, MD

NURA: Evaluating Toxicological Information Using Modern Science
May 21-22, 2019
Institute for In Vitro Sciences
Gaithersburg, MD

New Approach Methodology Use for Regulatory Application (NURA): Integrating New Approaches into Your TSCA Testing Inaugural Event
Oct. 1-2, 2018
UL University
Research Triangle Park, NC

Use New Approach Methodologies for Regulatory Application