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NAM Use for Regulatory Application

DyNAMic Discussions Series

Dynamic Discussions


Regulatory Toxicology has reached a tipping point – animal tests are increasingly outmoded by New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that offer the potential to improve human health and environmental protection.  So why is the transition out of animal testing and into a NAM-based approach to Chemical Safety Assessment predicted to take so long by so many commentators? And what can we collectively do to accelerate this transition? 

This seminar series explores these questions by inviting speakers to share candid perspectives on how they’ve overcome barriers to apply NAMs in their fields and discuss how we can learn from these examples to increase NAM use together. In our first session of season three, our speakers discussed using Next Generation Risk Assessment for addressing systemic toxicity, followed by a DyNAMic Discussion with regulatory experts. You can watch the webinar recording by following the link below.  And be sure to stay tuned for updates on the next DyNAMic Discussions webinar!

Recordings and other materials for Season 1 and Season 2 are also available on the DyNAMic Discussions learning portal.